Subdivision Public Reports Lookup System

Search for a public report using one of the following search criteria:

  1. File Number
  2. Subdivision Name
  3. County
  4. Subdivider
  5. County and Tract Number
  6. Subdivider and County
  7. Start Date and End Date

After entering the search information into the fields below, select the "Search" button at the bottom of this page to begin the search. To start over, select the "Reset" button.

To change the amount of search results displayed, enter a number in the "Number of Results to Display" field. To sort by a specific field in ascending order, select it from the "Sort By" drop-down list.

The search results date range may be changed by entering a "Start Date" and "End Date". If the dates are left blank, the start date will be 45 days in the past and the end date will be 15 days in the past resulting in the most current public reports list.

Download a list of public reports in spreadsheet format at: